Support Your Local Library
Friends Organizations were formed to foster closer relations between the libraries and the communities they serve. They may assist the library by providing volunteers, helping raise funds, promoting library programs within the community, providing a channel for individuals and organizations to express ideas, and making suggestions for library use and services.
Membership is open to the public. Anyone may join after paying a small yearly membership fee. Your local library will have membership forms.
Each branch of the Darlington County Library System has its own Friends Organization. Listed below are the managers of each branch. Contact information is available at the respective libraries.
- Darlington: N/A, Branch Manager
- Hartsville: Martha Brown, Branch Manager
- Lamar: Kelly Shull, Branch Manager
- Society Hill: Lynn Anderson, Branch Manager
Support the Friends of the Darlington Library
The Friends of the Darlington Library was formed to foster closer relations between the Library and the community it serves. It assists the Library by providing volunteers, helping raise funds, promoting library programs within the community, providing a channel for individuals and organizations to express ideas, and making suggestions for library use and services.
Membership is open to the public. Anyone may join after paying a small yearly membership fee. The Darlington Library has membership forms.